Zerde followed the SHON project
In 2007, the Nurovs dynasty, having decided to keep a strong teaching staff at the school, which had closed due to the crisis, caused the formation of Zerde School among the first private educational institutions in Almaty with the Kazakh language of instruction. At the time, no one could even imagine that this would be the beginning of a major project called SHON. According to Gaukhar Nurov, president of the Center, founder and development director of Zerde School, although work related to the Shon Center began a year and a half ago, it has officially opened only recently. The center aims to implement projects aimed at fostering Kazakhs’ national identity. Some have already begun.
At present, relying on the experience of forming the Zerde school, the SHON Center has begun construction of the new Zaman school. The building being erected in the foothills of Zailiyskiy Alatau is designed by famous Kazakh architects.
Today the center organizes and implements a unique online learning platform for schools. This project is implemented under the guidance of the center’s scientific laboratory with the participation of international experts. The content on the learning platform is based on the results of 30 years experience of Almira Tajigulova, the academician of the Kazakh National Academy of Natural Sciences, who participated in the development of the state concept of “informatization of education”.
Detailed information about SHON can be found by clicking here.

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